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December Member of the Month Interview: Rachel Timm

1. What do you do outside of the gym? Career, hobbies, etc.

A California native, I moved to Danville in 2010 and am now the Adult Services Coordinator at Ruby B. Archie Public Library in charge of library programs and events for adults. In 2018 I helped start Smokestack Theatre Company and currently sit on the River District Association Board. Outside of my career commitments I enjoy cooking, gardening, playing D&D with friends, time spent with the people and dogs I love, and going on adventures!

2. How long have you been training with us?

I finally joined Old 97 four months ago after thinking about it since the end of last year. I believed the common misconception that lifting heavy would make me "bulky" rather than toned.

3. What's been your biggest accomplishment since you began training with us?

I'd have to say learning what my body can do has been a real eye opener. I'd never lifted heavy before even though I've been in good shape my whole life... I recently deadlifted 180 pounds and it was thrilling!


4. What's your favorite thing about being a member here?

I like the comradery among members and instructors, everyone is so encouraging and kind. Also there's always great teaching for lifting techniques in order to avoid injury, vital for total beginners like me!

5. What would you say to someone who is considering training with us?

Do it! It'll be hard but if you're consistent it'll pay off and you'll get stronger and feel better than ever!

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