1. What do you do outside of the gym? Career, hobbies, etc.!
- I have worked for the City of Danville in Parks and Recreation for over 17 years and enjoy serving my community and enhancing lives. When not working I find myself on a softball field, in a gymnastics gym or chasing McKayla around doing whatever she wants to do. I love spending time with my family creating memories and experiences whether that’s traveling, enjoying time in Hatteras, hanging with friends or just a good movie night. I am an avid outdoorsman, love to cook and I make a great margarita.
2. How long have you been training with us?
- I have been a member of Old 97 since day 1.
3. What's been your biggest accomplishment since you began training with us?
-Physically, I am in better shape now as I near 40 than playing college baseball at 20. Last year I completed my first full trail marathon and this year preparing for my first 50K trail event. Although, being able to enjoy physical activity and experiences with my family and daughter, without having to think about it, brings me the most joy and I’d be remise if I didn’t credit the gym with a lifetime of friends and memories.
4. What's your favorite thing about being a member here?
-For me Old 97 is a family and a support system. The community and members as well as trainers are my friends, supporters in life and many times the people I can talk to about things going on in life. In my toughest times and losing my sister this year, Old 97 was there through it all and still is. I feel like one of my greatest support systems in life revolves around the time I get to spend at the gym. There’s also just the amazing amount of genuine people, good times and great laughter that comes from the social connectivity. Old 97 is not just a place to improve your health and fitness, it is a place that supports you as an individual no matter what your needs are.
- Don’t hesitate. If I asked you how much would you be willing to spend a year to be happier, laugh more, maybe sweat a little, have a support system, gain friendships, and make positive steps towards a healthy lifestyle? I’m guessing it would be far greater than committing to Old 97.